Basic HTTP server in Clojure

HTTP uses TCP, so naturally this is going to be built on top of the previous post.


To goal is to receive a HTTP request and respond with 200 OK where the body has information about the request received.

HTTP protocol

A HTTP request has three parts:

  1. Request line: which contains information of the method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT), the resource and the HTTP version.
  2. Headers: One by line and provide additional information.
  3. Body: Contains more data.


GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
{:hello "There"}

Previous TCP server

Convenient copy of the previous TCP server that we’re going to built on top of.

(ns user
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:import ( ServerSocket)
( BufferedReader InputStreamReader PrintWriter)))
(defn- handle-input
[{:keys [in out handler]}]
(loop []
(when-let [line (.readLine in)]
(println "Received:" line)
(.println out (handler line))
(defn- client-handler
[client-socket handler]
(with-open [in (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. (.getInputStream client-socket)))
out (PrintWriter. (.getOutputStream client-socket) true)]
(handle-input {:in in
:out out
:handler handler}))
(catch Exception e
(println "Client error:" (.getMessage e)))
(when-not (.isClosed client-socket)
(.close client-socket)
(println "Client disconnected by error"))))))
(defn create-tcp-server
[{:keys [port handler]}]
(let [state (atom {:server-socket nil
:clients []})
start-server (fn []
(when (nil? (:server-socket @state))
(reset! state {:server-socket (ServerSocket. port)
:clients []})
(println "Server started on port" port)
(loop []
(let [client-socket (.accept (:server-socket @state))]
(swap! state update :clients conj client-socket)
(client-handler client-socket handler)
(catch Exception e
(println "Server error:" (.getMessage e)))
(when-not (.isClosed (:server-socket @state))
(.close (:server-socket @state))
(println "Server stopped by error")))))))
stop-server (fn []
(when-let [server-socket (:server-socket @state)]
(doseq [client-socket (:clients @state)]
(.close client-socket)
(println "Client disconnected by server"))
(.close server-socket)
(println "Server stopped by user")
(reset! state {:server-socket nil
:clients []})))]
{:start start-server
:stop stop-server}))
(let [{:keys [start stop]} (create-tcp-server {:port 1230
:handler str/upper-case})]
(Thread/sleep 10000)

To start we can test the behavior of this server by making a request with curl:

Terminal window
curl localhost:1230

The logs are:

Server started on port 1230
Received: GET / HTTP/1.1
Received: Host: localhost:1230
Received: User-Agent: curl/8.4.0
Received: Accept: */*
Client error: Connection reset
Client disconnected by server
Server stopped by user
Server error: Socket closed

We can see that it reads one line at a time, first getting the request line, then the headers, followed by an empty line. That doesn’t say anything about the body. Let’s try with a POST:

Terminal window
curl --data '{:hello "There"}' --header 'Content-Type: application/edn' localhost:1230

The logs:

Server started on port 1230
Received: POST / HTTP/1.1
Received: Host: localhost:1230
Received: User-Agent: curl/8.4.0
Received: Accept: */*
Received: Content-Type: application/edn
Received: Content-Length: 16
Client error: Connection reset
Client disconnected by server
Server stopped by user
Server error: Socket closed

We got some extra headers but we’re not able to see the {:hello "There"} yet.

Parse request to a useful data structure

I want to transform that request into a data structure that I can work with. For the request above that would be:

{:method :post
:path "/"
:headers {"Host" "localhost:1230"
"User-Agent" "curl/8.4.0"
"Accept" "*/*"
"Content-Type" "application/edn"
"Content-Length" "16"}}
:body {:hello "There"}

Changing the handle-input function

The handle-input doesn’t need a handler function anymore. To keep the REPL flow going we can structure the code like this:

(ns user
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:import ( ServerSocket)
( BufferedReader InputStreamReader PrintWriter)))
(defn- handle-input
[{:keys [in _out]}]
(loop [request {}
state :idle]
(= state :idle)
(if-let [line (.readLine in)]
(let [[method path protocol] (str/split line #"\s+")]
(recur (assoc request
:method (-> method str/lower-case keyword)
:path path
:protocol protocol)
(println "Client disconnected"))
(= state :headers)
(println request)
(println "Still need to parse headers")))))
(defn- client-handler
(with-open [in (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. (.getInputStream client-socket)))
out (PrintWriter. (.getOutputStream client-socket) true)]
(handle-input {:in in
:out out}))
(catch Exception e
(println "Client error:" (.getMessage e)))
(when-not (.isClosed client-socket)
(.close client-socket)
(println "Client disconnected by error"))))))
(defn create-tcp-server
[{:keys [port]}]
(let [state (atom {:server-socket nil
:clients []})
start-server (fn []
(when (nil? (:server-socket @state))
(reset! state {:server-socket (ServerSocket. port)
:clients []})
(println "Server started on port" port)
(loop []
(let [client-socket (.accept (:server-socket @state))]
(swap! state update :clients conj client-socket)
(client-handler client-socket)
(catch Exception e
(println "Server error:" (.getMessage e)))
(when-not (.isClosed (:server-socket @state))
(.close (:server-socket @state))
(println "Server stopped by error")))))))
stop-server (fn []
(when-let [server-socket (:server-socket @state)]
(doseq [client-socket (:clients @state)]
(.close client-socket)
(println "Client disconnected by server"))
(.close server-socket)
(println "Server stopped by user")
(reset! state {:server-socket nil
:clients []})))]
{:start start-server
:stop stop-server}))
(def server (create-tcp-server {:port 1230}))
((:start server))) ;; to start
((:stop server)) ;; to stop

Then we can just evaluate handle-input any time there is a change. When receiving a new request it will use the new version of the function.

When sending a request like this:

Terminal window
curl --data '{:hello "There"}' --header 'Content-Type: application/edn' localhost:1230

the logs show:

{:method :post, :path /, :protocol HTTP/1.1}
Still need to parse headers

Parsing the headers is a matter of reading line by line and splitting by :.

(defn- handle-input
[{:keys [in _out]}]
(loop [request {}
state :idle]
(condp = state
(if-let [line (.readLine in)]
(let [[method path protocol] (str/split line #"\s+")]
(recur (assoc request
:method (-> method str/lower-case keyword)
:path path
:protocol protocol)
(println "Client disconnected"))
(if-let [line (.readLine in)]
(if (empty? line)
(recur request :done)
(let [header-vector (str/split line #": ")
request-with-new-header (assoc-in request
[:headers (first header-vector)]
(second header-vector))]
(recur request-with-new-header :headers)))
(recur request :done))
(println request)
(println "Done parsing the request")))))

which logs

{:method :post, :path /, :protocol HTTP/1.1, :headers {Host localhost:1230, User-Agent curl/8.4.0, Accept */*, Content-Type application/edn, Content-Length 16}}
Done parsing the request

Writing the response back to client

To write the response back we just need to answer according to HTTP protocol:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{headers here}
{body here}

In our case we won’t sent any headers and just send our structure as the body.

(defn- handle-input
[{:keys [in out]}]
(loop [request {}
state :idle]
(condp = state
(if-let [line (.readLine in)]
(let [[method path protocol] (str/split line #"\s+")]
(recur (assoc request
:method (-> method str/lower-case keyword)
:path path
:protocol protocol)
(println "Client disconnected"))
(if-let [line (.readLine in)]
(if (empty? line)
(recur request :done)
(let [header-vector (str/split line #": ")
request-with-new-header (assoc-in request
[:headers (first header-vector)]
(second header-vector))]
(recur request-with-new-header :headers)))
(recur request :done))
(.println out "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n")
(.println out (str request))
(println "Done parsing the request")))))

When I open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:1230 I see this response (unformatted):

{:method :get
:path "/"
:protocol "HTTP/1.1"
:headers {"Sec-Fetch-Dest" "document"
"Sec-Fetch-Mode" "navigate"
"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" "1"
"Sec-Fetch-User" "?1"
"User-Agent" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0"
"Priority" "u=0, i"
"Sec-Fetch-Site" "none"
"Accept-Encoding" "gzip, deflate, br, zstd"
"Accept-Language" "en-US,en;q=0.5"
"Connection" "keep-alive"
"Accept" "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/png,image/svg+xml,*/*;q=0.8"
"Host" "localhost:1230"}}

Parsing the body

The body is a little trickier because we can’t just use readLine. It doesn’t have a line feed (\n) or carriage return (\r) or anything like that. Instead in this basic attempt we rely on Content-Length header.

This request:

Terminal window
curl --data '{:hello "There"}' --header 'Content-Type: application/edn' localhost:1230

Has a content length of 16.

Then we can check if the content length header is present, make a huge assumption that it’s telling the truth, and read that many characters:

(defn- handle-input
[{:keys [in out]}]
(loop [request {}
state :idle]
(condp = state
(if-let [line (.readLine in)]
(let [[method path protocol] (str/split line #"\s+")]
(recur (assoc request
:method (-> method str/lower-case keyword)
:path path
:protocol protocol)
(println "Client disconnected"))
(if-let [line (.readLine in)]
(if (empty? line)
(recur request :body)
(let [[key value] (str/split line #": ")]
(recur (assoc-in request [:headers key] value) :headers)))
(recur request :body))
(let [content-length (get-in request [:headers "Content-Length"])]
(if-not content-length
(recur request :done)
(let [size (parse-long content-length)
body (char-array size)]
(doseq [i (range size)]
(aset body i (char (.read in))))
(recur (assoc request :body (String. body)) :done))))
(.println out "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n")
(.println out (str request))
(println "Done parsing the request")))))

The response for the previous request is:

{:method :post
:path "/"
:protocol "HTTP/1.1"
:headers {"Host" "localhost:1230"
"User-Agent" "curl/8.4.0"
"Accept" "*/*"
"Content-Type" "application/edn"
"Content-Length" "16"}
:body "{:hello \"There\"}"}


The complete code is this:

(ns user
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:import ( ServerSocket)
( BufferedReader InputStreamReader PrintWriter)))
(defn- handle-input
[{:keys [in out]}]
(loop [request {}
state :idle]
(condp = state
(if-let [line (.readLine in)]
(let [[method path protocol] (str/split line #"\s+")]
(recur (assoc request
:method (-> method str/lower-case keyword)
:path path
:protocol protocol)
(println "Client disconnected"))
(if-let [line (.readLine in)]
(if (empty? line)
(recur request :body)
(let [[key value] (str/split line #": ")]
(recur (assoc-in request [:headers key] value) :headers)))
(recur request :body))
(let [content-length (get-in request [:headers "Content-Length"])]
(if-not content-length
(recur request :done)
(let [size (parse-long content-length)
body (char-array size)]
(doseq [i (range size)]
(aset body i (char (.read in))))
(recur (assoc request :body (String. body)) :done))))
(.println out "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n")
(.println out (str request))
(println "Done parsing the request")))))
(defn- client-handler
(with-open [in (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. (.getInputStream client-socket)))
out (PrintWriter. (.getOutputStream client-socket) true)]
(handle-input {:in in
:out out}))
(catch Exception e
(println "Client error:" (.getMessage e)))
(when-not (.isClosed client-socket)
(.close client-socket)
(println "Client disconnected by error"))))))
(defn create-tcp-server
[{:keys [port]}]
(let [state (atom {:server-socket nil
:clients []})
start-server (fn []
(when (nil? (:server-socket @state))
(reset! state {:server-socket (ServerSocket. port)
:clients []})
(println "Server started on port" port)
(loop []
(let [client-socket (.accept (:server-socket @state))]
(swap! state update :clients conj client-socket)
(client-handler client-socket)
(catch Exception e
(println "Server error:" (.getMessage e)))
(when-not (.isClosed (:server-socket @state))
(.close (:server-socket @state))
(println "Server stopped by error")))))))
stop-server (fn []
(when-let [server-socket (:server-socket @state)]
(doseq [client-socket (:clients @state)]
(.close client-socket)
(println "Client disconnected by server"))
(.close server-socket)
(println "Server stopped by user")
(reset! state {:server-socket nil
:clients []})))]
{:start start-server
:stop stop-server}))
(def server (create-tcp-server {:port 1230}))
((:start server))
((:stop server)))

It’s full of problems and security issues. But it’s a nice start for creating a basic HTTP server using only the Socket interface.

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